The 2014 Tour will long be remembered by the three hundred who cycled 12, 28, 55, and 67 miles in letter perfect weather that might be described best as heaven sent! A glorious day and a sample of the Texas' winter many remember from childhood, gave all including the more than 50 volunteers the opportunity to rejoice under a warming sun, blue skies, and challenging wind gusts from the north. 2014 marked the return of a new and improved family ride that visited all four Spanish Colonial Missions using the newly completed hike and bike paths. The small groups of family riders were greeted at each Mission by park docents who validated children's missions passports and introduced unique details at each stop. New for all 2014 riders was a catered lunch, silent auction, and a chance for door prizes. Five of the local charities receiving the grants were on hand to describe their community service. A special thanks to the folks at Mission Park Pavilions, the Missions National Historic Park, the San Antonio River Authority, the Cool Cats Cycle Club, and our title sponsor- ARGO Group USA.