About Rotary
Our Neighborhood
Our Rotarians
Join Rotary
Service at MTR
New Generations
MTR Charities, Inc.
San Antonio Mission Trail Community Projects
"I Like Me
" Literacy
Kinder classes: Bonham Academy, Green Elementary, Highland Hills Elementary.
Mission to Mission Bike Ride
- First Saturday in December
Benefits community nonprofit charities through project specific grants.
MTR Charities, Inc.
Kids' Kingdom
at the King William Fair
featuring family centered rides & free activities. Proceeds benefit local school literacy.
Basura Bash
- Volunteer with other community helpers to clean trash (Basura) from the banks and parks along the San Antonio river.
Rotary Day SA
- partner with other San Antonio Rotary Clubs to improve and maintain our urban green spaces.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
(Conference)-provide volunteer chaperones and support staff for the RYLA high octane, student leadership conference.
MTR Mission Branch Grants
provide yearly book purchase grants to Bonham Academy and Bowden Elementary in honor of each meetings community speaker.
Rotary Club of San Antonio Mission Trail
PO Box 831451
San Antonio, Texas 78282
About Rotary
Our Neighborhood
Our Rotarians
Join Rotary
Service at MTR
New Generations
MTR Charities, Inc.