Membership in Mission Trail
Core Values:
We believe Rotary is service, fellowship, and ethical behavior. We believe Rotary is inclusive and fun. Membership in Mission Trail is a commitment to Our Core Values. Commitment is how our members invest their time, talents, and resources. If you seek a commitment to service, try Mission Trail on! We may not be "your cup of tea," so visit several of the twenty San Antonio Rotary Clubs. Mission Trail meets most Tuesday mornings in MadHatters Tea. The truth is, every Rotary Club has its own personality and not everyone is cut out to be a Rotarian. Rotary is not a project among a checklist of service projects or service clubs. Rotary at Mission Trail requires your commitment for membership. When you visit, let us buy you a cup of Madhatters' coffee, enjoy the fellowship, and ask us the hard questions you hold about membership. "We've never met a guest we didn't like!" Mission Trail is always searching for committed, unique and like spirited members. Come join us! Among our current members you will find a couple graphic artists, a couple lawyers, a custom shirt maker, a member of the explorers club, a couple accountants, a couple public school educators, a medical supplies manufacturer, a brewer, an urban planner, a union leader, a minister, an entrepenuer and author, a world jaunting hippie, a realestate broker, a financial planner, and two non-profit founders/leaders. |